Every woman has a unique fertility journey. Some may choose to get pregnant at a later stage in their life. Thanks to modern science, the chances of a successful pregnancy through egg freezing is high. More and more women are opting to freeze their eggs for future transfer. Also known as mature oocyte cryopreservation, egg freezing is the method of harvesting unfertilized eggs. The eggs are frozen and stored for future use, when the woman is ready. HART Fertility Clinic utilizes the latest technologies to give women the best chances of a healthy pregnancy.
Who Should Consider Freezing Their Eggs?
There are many reasons why a woman will decide that Kingwood IVF with frozen eggs is the best option for her. Aside from personal choices, such as career priorities and emotional readiness, there are medical reasons why Kingwood IVF is the safest choice.
- Conditions affecting fertility. Certain diseases, such as lupus, autoimmune disorders, and sickle cell anemia can affect fertility.
- Illnesses or medical treatments. Patients about to undergo chemotherapy or radiation opt to freeze their eggs prior, to avoid harming the eggs.
- Gender transitions. Transgender people choose to freeze their eggs prior to transitioning and hormone therapies.
- Advanced age. Some women freeze their eggs when they are younger until they are ready to have kids at an older age.
How the Process Works
Freezing the eggs is different from embryo freezing. In egg freezing, the eggs are unfertilized. They are retrieved from the ovaries using a minimally invasive procedure, similar to having blood drawn. At our Kingwood fertility clinic, we use a rapid freezing technique known as vitrification. This process maximizes the egg’s potential for later use. When you are ready to conceive, the egg will be thawed in the lab. It is then fertilized with your partner’s sperm or a donor. The egg can be implanted in your uterus using in vitro fertilization. You can also choose to have a gestational carrier to complete the pregnancy for you.
What to Expect
Women who choose to freeze their eggs will need to be examined carefully by our Kingwood ivf specialists. Our clinic seeks to provide personalized services where you feel cared for. We will only recommend freezing your eggs if we conclude that it is the best option for you. Our patients will need to go through a round of hormone shots. This is to increase the number of healthy eggs retrieved. Expect frequent visits to our clinic to track your progress. The retrieval procedure involves a mild sedative and anesthesia.
Schedule an Appointment for Kingwood IVF
HART Fertility has been helping families blossom since 1985. We provide a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic treatments with the aim of producing a healthy baby. We understand if you will feel overwhelmed. Our fertility specialists will guide you through the entire process. You can trust that we will give you the highest level of care and personal attention. Contact us today to learn more about IVF treatment options available!

Parents with hereditary diseases benefit from preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Through PGT, genetic defects can be identified even before the embryo is implanted into the uterus. Genetic testing for IVF is a technique wherein cells from an embryo are removed. These cells are screened for a wide range of genetic conditions. Our mission at our North Houston fertility clinic is to help families blossom through superb assisted reproduction services. With genetic testing as part of our North Houston IVF, we can improve rates of successful pregnancies.
How Does Genetic Testing Work?
Research shows that genetic abnormalities cause failed implantation and pregnancies. Our North Houston IVF clinic performs preimplantation genetic testing using state-of-the-art technology. The shell of the embryo, called the zona, is opened to remove the cells. These cells are examined using molecular techniques, including Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Embryos that are found to have flaws will be excluded from being transferred to the mother or carrier. This way, the chances of a healthy baby are increased.
Types of PGT
There are three types of preimplantation genetic testing that can be performed on an embryo before implantation:
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A): Chromosomal abnormalities cause majority of failed pregnancies. Human beings have a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. There are cases where embryos have an extra chromosome to bring the total to 47. While for some, they have a missing chromosome (45). These lead to genetic disorders, such as Down’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome. PGT-A screens for embryos with abnormal chromosomal count.
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic/Single Gene Diseases (PGT-M): Some genetic diseases are due to the inheritance of recessive genes. If a mother and father both carry this recessive gene, there’s a chance that they could pass it on to their baby. Diseases that come from recessive genes include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. PGT-M screens the embryo for these recessive genes so that it is not inherited by the baby.
- Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Chromosomal Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR): When a cell grows, chromosomes may be broken apart then repaired imperfectly. This results in the translocation of one part of a chromosome onto another chromosome. It is a rare event that happens to couples who have had a series of miscarriages, as well as to men with a low sperm count. PGT-SR detects embryos that have structurally sound chromosomes.
Contact Us for North Houston IVF Services
Hart Fertility Clinic is dedicated to your positive experience with The Woodlands IVF. Our qualified and experienced fertility specialists will walk you through the entire process of North Houston IVF. They can offer their expertise to determine the right fertility treatment for your family. Through genetic testing at our IVF clinic, we can increase your chances for a healthy baby you can watch grow up. Call or email us today to schedule a consultation!

In vitro fertilization or IVF isn’t just the last resort when it comes to one’s fertility journey. For some, it is the first option when trying to conceive. At our North Houston fertility clinic, we may recommend IVF from the get-go. Skipping on fertility medications and other insemination methods saves your family money. It also saves you time, as North Houston IVF has a proven track record of success rates. So what are the other advantages of assisted reproductive technology?
Increased Chances of Pregnancy
HART Fertility prides itself in pregnancy rates that exceed the national average. We have been providing Kingwood IVF since 1985. Using our experience and cutting-edge technology, we help families blossom. Our IVF clinic is made up of a team of fertility specialists who will be with you every step of the way to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Our doctors will help you make well-informed decisions after carefully reviewing your medical records. This attention to detail is what sets our North Houston IVF clinic apart.
For a Wide Range of Individuals
Our North Houston IVF is for a wide range of families who are unable to undergo a traditional pregnancy. This includes women unable to carry a baby due to a hysterectomy or uterine disease. Our IVF is also recommended for same-sex couples and even single parents. Some of our clients may also choose a surrogate or gestational carrier to carry the baby. At HART Fertility, we understand the need for personalized IVF services.
Use of Donor Eggs and Sperm
In IVF, it isn’t just the intended mother or father that can get involved. Clients may choose to use a donor egg or sperm. Some women may have eggs that are unable to mature. In such cases, they may use a donor egg. In the same way, some men have a low sperm count or sperm motility. Using donor sperm in IVF will work just as well. The donor eggs and sperm will undergo the same procedure in the lab until a viable embryo is produced.
Decreased Health Risks
HART Fertility is committed to your health and safety. Before recommending IVF, we will perform a thorough assessment to make sure this is the best option for you. IVF minimizes risks to the mother and the baby. This procedure results in a reduced number of miscarriages. It is also an effective way for older women to get pregnant. The embryo undergoes strict genetic testing before being transferred to the uterus. This way, the chances of the baby having a genetic disorder is decreased.
Get in Touch With Us for North Houston IVF
For your reproductive needs, trust HART Fertility. We provide fertility solutions every step of the way, from diagnostic to therapeutic options. Our qualified and certified doctors will explain in further detail the benefits of IVF. That way, we can work according to your timeline, on your own terms. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for IVF. We look forward to being on this journey with your family!

Gestational surrogacy via a North Houston IVF clinic is becoming a more and more common method of having a baby. A gestational carrier (GC), also called a gestational surrogate, is different from a traditional surrogate. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is artificially inseminated with the sperm of the donor father. This has posed some legal concerns in the past since the egg is that of the surrogate. In IVF with a gestational carrier , both the intended parents are the donors of the egg and sperm. The egg and sperm are fertilized in the lab, then the embryo is transferred to the GC. So who are candidates for IVF with a gestational carrier?
To Address Health Concerns
There are many health reasons why a woman would consider a gestational carrier. She may be unable to carry the baby herself due to a hysterectomy or uterine disease. She could also have a history of miscarriages and failed births. North Houston IVF is an alternate method that allows the donor mother to use her own egg without posing risks to her health. Some clients are also those with failed implantation in the past. Gestational surrogacy has a proven track record of successful pregnancies.
To Become Biological Parents
Being biologically related to their children is important for some people, which is why they choose IVF with a gestational carrier. The GC has no genetic ties to the baby, so legal issues are less likely. Moreover, a male same-sex couple would want a child that is biologically theirs to create a genetic relationship. Even single men who want to be fathers can do so with the help of a North Houston fertility clinic without needing a female partner.
To Prevent Genetic Conditions
During the IVF process, the eggs of the intended mother are fertilized using the sperm of the intended father in a laboratory. Successful embryos undergo preimplantation genetic testing to screen for genetic disorders and increase the likelihood for a healthy baby. If either of the mother or father has a disease they can pass on to the child, this may be detected even before implantation. Only healthy embryos that pass the screening will be transferred to the gestational surrogate.
To Be Protected Legally
To protect both the gestational surrogate and the parents, legal representation must be present. It is important to hire lawyers who specialize in assisted reproduction to prepare contracts that cover financial details and relationships post-birth. A lawyer protects the GC by ensuring she gets her compensation. At the same time, both parties can decide whether the GC can have a relationship with the child. Having lawyers present can make the process much easier.
Contact Us for IVF With a Gestational Carrier
HART Fertility Clinic is a team of North Houston IVF specialists who offer therapeutic and diagnostic services to aid in your fertility journey. We have a thorough screening process for both the gestational surrogate and intended parents. Rest assured that we do background checks, medical screenings, and psychological evaluations before we proceed with any treatment. Get in touch with us today to schedule your appointment!

More and more people who desire to be parents turn to IVF in hopes of achieving a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Simply put, in vitro fertilization is the process of assisting with fertility and the conception of a child. North Houston IVF is typically recommended for women of advanced maternal age (40 years old and above). However, there could be a number of reasons why someone would consider getting the help of a North Houston fertility clinic.
Problems With the Female Reproductive System
Candidates for Kingwood IVF and The Woodlands IVF are usually women with uterine and ovarian problems. Endometriosis is a common cause of infertility, characterized by abnormal tissue growth outside of the uterus that affects the entire reproductive system. Infertility is also associated with ovulation disorders. These lead to less eggs being available for ovulation. Benign tumors in the uterus are common among women in their 40s, while fallopian tube blockage makes successful ovulation difficult.
Weak Sperm Production
It can be difficult for a sperm to fertilize the egg if there is below-average sperm production. Abnormal sperm may have a different shape and size or may have poor mobility. In other cases, sperm may die before it even reaches the egg. Male infertility can be caused by injuries or genetics. A fertility specialist may recommend North Houston IVF when the sperm quality is not strong enough for fertilization.
Genetic Disorders
Some couples are at risk of passing on a genetic disorder to their child. In such cases, they choose to undergo North Houston IVF to increase their chances of giving birth to a healthy baby. During IVF, eggs are harvested from the woman and fertilized on a petri dish using viable sperm. Fertilized eggs are then screened for genetic disorders and abnormal chromosome count. Healthy eggs that don’t show any genetic problems can then be implanted into the uterus to start the pregnancy.
Fertility Preservation
Some women choose to have their eggs harvested and frozen for later use. They may also choose to have their eggs fertilized first, then the embryos can be frozen. The reason for this is that some women may undergo medical treatments that could harm their fertility. Cancer patients about to start chemotherapy or radiation are candidates for fertility preservation. If a woman getting pregnant poses a serious risk to their health and safety, they may also opt to have a surrogate carry their eggs fertilized through IVF.
Contact Us for North Houston IVF
Starting your fertility treatment may seem overwhelming, which is why HART Fertility is here to guide you in every step of the way. We utilize the most advanced technologies and personalized treatment plans to help you on your IVF journey. Our center is committed to the satisfaction of our clients when it comes to therapeutic and diagnostic fertility services. We will do a complete assessment of your medical history during your initial consultation with us. Contact our North Houston fertility clinic today to get started.