People are far more open about the once-taboo topic of infertility. This can be attributed to the ever-growing conversation around it, especially because more couples are waiting to have children. When you first embark on your fertility journey, the first step is to get tested. But when should couples get tested to find out if infertility is, in fact, what’s causing them to have a hard time conceiving and giving birth? Here is what our North Houston IVF specialists recommend.
Fertility tests can be conducted in a number of ways, and they help doctors determine whether a couple is facing infertility, what is causing it, and what are the best options for them going forward.
When Should I Get Fertility Tests Done?
We understand how frustrating it may be to not get pregnant soon, but keep in mind it can take up to a year to finally get pregnant. If you and your partner have attempted to get pregnant for over a year with no results, then it may be time for both of you to get tested so you can better understand what’s going on.
If you are a woman over 35 and have had no success getting pregnant for 6 months, then you may consider infertility testing as well.
How Do Fertility Tests Work?
A fertility test starts out with your doctor asking you and your partner about your medical and sexual histories and then completing a physical. Following this, the doctor may test a woman’s eggs, uterus, and fallopian tubes with a pelvic exam and ultrasound.
For men, their sperm and semen may be evaluated through a semen analysis, which will give the doctor insight on sperm count, sperm quality/shape/size, sperm speed, and the amount of seminal fluid.
Finding the answer as to why a couple is facing infertility may take time. In the event that the answer isn’t found with these exams, there are additional exams that may be administered. Our fertility specialists in Kingwood and The Woodlands want to assure you that there is no need to get discouraged. Infertility is complex, but there are ways for us to help you mitigate it and we fully intend on supporting you the entire time.
Once I Learn Why I’m Infertile, What’s Next?
The type of fertility treatment plan we recommend to you will depend on the test results. We may recommend In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), or other, less common (but still effective) treatments.
HART Fertility in North Houston Is Committed to Helping Infertile Couples
Whether you are in or near Kingwood or The Woodlands, our North Houston fertility clinic is committed to helping you and your partner conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. If you would like to pursue fertility treatment, then please request an appointment with our IVF specialists. We will work with you to determine which fertility methods may work best for you and your partner.

These days, infertility is slowly becoming less taboo to talk about and we are proud to contribute to the conversation. This is why we decided to gather some of the most common questions we get when it comes to discussing North Houston IVF fertility treatment in The Woodlands and Kingwood. With this FAQ, we hope to shed some light on your concerns prior to visiting us.
When Should I Consider IVF Fertility Treatment?
Getting pregnant can take longer than others for some, but it does not necessarily mean one of the partners is infertile. If you are feeling concerned because you think it's taking too long, our fertility specialists recommend you speak to your doctor about it before anything else. When you speak with your doctor, he or she will first ask about your medical and sexual history, as well as that of your partner's. Next, tests such as semen analysis, fallopian tube evaluation, and ovarian reserve tests will be administered. Gathering this information helps your doctor determine if infertility is indeed the case and what exactly is causing it. Afterward, your doctor will walk you through all of your options and let you know if IVF treatment is recommended.
How Likely Is It That My IVF Baby Will Have Birth Defects?
Unfortunately, some believe that undergoing IVF increases your baby’s chances of being born with birth defects, but research suggests there are other factors besides IVF that may cause this. There is no significant difference between non-IVF and IVF babies having chances of being born with a defect.
If you are still worried though, rest assured that after we allow your fertilized eggs to grow to the blastocyst (day 5 embryo) stage, we complete Preimplantation Genetic Testing to determine which embryos are more likely to become healthy babies at birth.
Does IVF Take All Of My Eggs?
This is a common hesitation, but it is not true at all. When a woman ovulates, the ovary picks one egg out of hundreds and through a natural process known as atresia, the rest of the eggs that were not selected die, and this is a completely normal process.
In order to successfully undergo IVF, you must take fertility medication, which stimulates the ovaries to produce more eggs. This cancels out the natural selection of your ovaries and also prevents the death of your eggs. Although “death of your eggs” sounds bad, this is normal and it is important to remember that women have anywhere between 300,000 and 400,000 eggs once they hit puberty.
Get an Opinion From One of Our Fertility Specialists in North Houston
If, after your doctor has conducted tests, IVF is recommended to you, then please request an appointment with our specialists in The Woodlands and Kingwood so we can further discuss any concerns and questions you may have. Throughout your fertility journey, a strong support system will be crucial, so we look forward to developing a close relationship with you.

For some, the journey of infertility can be quite difficult and life-changing. Whether it be the cost of treatment, the struggles of failed pregnancy outcome or the emotional and psychological toll associated with a couple’s desire to conceive, it is important to highlight resources available to help assist individuals through these challenging times.
Financial limitations are the most common issue that patients in our community face when deciding their treatment plan. Fortunately, over time, the feasibility and success of treatment have made it easier to decide the best choice for you and your future family. Not only has scientific advancement improved treatment success per cycle, but a variety of financing options exist to assist individuals in attaining their reproductive goals. The HART Fertility Clinic has partnered with a few groups to provide our patients with options when considering financial assistance to help reduce the financial burden of treatment. These options can be found using the following link: https://www.hartfertility.com/financial-services. In addition, fertility insurance options also are available to ensure that the cost of fertility treatments can be recovered when met with a failed pregnancy outcome. To determine if you qualify for these benefits, please visit https://vitalitysolutions.com/quote.
Studies have shown that infertility can lead to higher levels of stress, depression and anxiety than that which is seen in the general population. Whether or not mental stressors can affect infertility or treatment outcomes is still up for debate. Counselling has however shown to help improve mental health status. Group therapy has also helped to improve outcomes and patients are able to find support in other individuals or couples who may be facing similar situations. HART Fertility Clinic is dedicated to providing you with all of the support resources you may need. Our providers can offer you advice and recommendations for local mental health professionals, individual therapy providers or group therapy sessions available to you.
Attempts at family building through assisted reproductive technologies can be a roller-coaster ride of hope and loss and hoping once again. Although the success rates of fertility treatment today are better than ever before, they may still fall short for the older infertile woman or infertile couples with more severe or unusual health issues Sometimes these medical advancements require further assistance. In some cases, the use of donor egg, donor sperm or a gestational carrier is necessary. Our providers discuss all potential options with you and help you navigate your way to reach your family building goals. Our community psychologists help to ensure that you are prepared and counsel patients on a personal and individualized level. Individual, couple and group sessions are a great avenue for intended parents to be prepared and fully informed.
Overall, public awareness of infertility and the way it affects patients and their current and future families is growing. As physicians and patients, legislation regarding reproductive access to infertility treatments at both a state and federal level directly affects us. Currently, only 15 states have laws requiring insurance coverage for infertility treatment and of those 15, only nine states require payment for IVF services. Texas law requires group insurers to offer coverage of IVF. Employers may choose whether or not to include infertility coverage as part of their employee health benefit package. (Texas Insurance Code, Article 3.51-6). Despite state laws, some companies have begun to take a proactive part in providing infertility benefits to their employees by voluntarily adding this benefit to their own group health insurance policies through a third party fertility insurance carrier called Progeny. Prior to your consultation visit, our office will call your insurance provider to determine your benefits for you. Coverage of specific procedures are discussed to ensure you have information to determine which treatment plans are right for you and your reproductive goals.
Schedule an appointment to see one of our physicians to discuss your reproductive goals. If you have any questions, please contact our coordinators Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at (281) 444-4784.

In-Vitro Fertilization, otherwise known as IVF is one of the most in-demand fertility treatments we offer at our clinic in The Woodlands and Kingwood. We have demonstrated impressive IVF success rates as well. Here is how In-Vitro Fertilization with donor eggs works and who might be a good candidate.
Undergoing IVF with Donor Eggs
First things first, we must complete an evaluation with tests to help figure out which of our fertility treatments may be best for you. Once it has been determined that IVF is right for you, it is time to look for a donor. This stage is time-consuming, as we understand wanting to pick an egg donor that meets your needs and is FDA-compliant. On top of that, there is a legal process that must take place once a donor is found.
Although this may seem like a lot, our caring team of fertility specialists will be there to support you every step of the way.
The treatment cycle will finally begin once the egg donor and intended mother get their periods. Your donor will take hormones to stimulate her egg production. Much like the typical IVF treatment, we will retrieve the eggs once they have matured and then the intended father will offer a sperm sample in order to fertilize the eggs. In our onsite IVF lab, we will allow the fertilized eggs to develop until the day-5 embryo stage, otherwise known as the blastocyst stage, at which point we will complete Preimplantation Genetic Testing.
Who May be a Good Candidate for IVF With Donor Eggs
IVF with donor eggs may be ideal in many cases, including the following:
- Women who have undergone cancer treatment, resulting in damaged or removed ovaries.
- Women with a low egg count or who have entered early menopause.
- Women who were born without their ovaries as a result of a congenital anomaly
- Gay male couples have also seen success with donor eggs and a gestational carrier.
HART Fertility Clinic in North Houston Offers IVF Treatment With Donor Eggs
Infertility is a challenge affecting many, but our team at Hart Fertility is determined to make sure you don’t feel alone on your fertility journey. If you and your partner are considering IVF with donor eggs, please request an appointment with us so we can start building our relationship with you and help you achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Although heterosexual couples typically undergo fertility treatments and therapies in order to conceive and deliver a healthy baby, we at HART Fertility in North Houston believe members of the LGBTQ community should also have the same opportunity to raise children of their own. There is a special love and joy that children bring and LGBTQ couples are just as deserving of that love. Here are some services we offer that are great options for LGBTQ couples who wish to be parents.
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
Lesbian couples may choose IUI so that one partner can use her eggs and carry the baby to term following the injection of donor sperm. If this is the method they choose, then we recommend they find a sperm donor through an FDA-approved sperm bank, as this will ensure the donor is safe and perfectly legal. Taking this extra precaution will also protect your future family and keep all parties happy.
IVF - In-Vitro Fertilization
IVF treatment is one of our more popular treatments. This is because, for same-sex female couples, one partner is able to use her eggs to develop embryos in our lab. Once the embryo reaches the blastocyst (day 5 embryo) stage and we complete Preimplantation Genetic Testing, we are able to transfer the embryos into the other partner’s uterus so she can carry the baby to term. Again, if this is their decision we highly recommend they pick their sperm donor from an FDA accredited sperm bank.
Donor Eggs With a Gestational Carrier
For same-sex male couples, we also utilize IVF, but with donor eggs. Once the eggs are fertilized with one of the partner’s sperm and grow until the blastocyst stage, we will complete genetic testing on them to determine which embryo has the highest chance of developing into a healthy baby. Once that has been determined, we will transfer it into the gestational carrier’s uterus so she can carry it to term.
Fertility Preservation
Trans men and women also have options to build a family and raise children of their own. Our fertility specialists will recommend fertility preservation methods if they hope to have kids in the future. We can help them achieve this through egg freezing or sperm freezing prior to undergoing surgical transition.
HART Fertility in The Woodlands and Kingwood Can Help LGBTQ Members Have the Family They Always Dreamed of
Fertility treatments and having kids are not restricted to cisgender, heterosexual couples, and adoption doesn’t have to be the only option for the LGBTQ community. If you would like to have a family of your own, please contact our fertility specialists so we can complete testing and help you determine what is best for you and your partner. We look forward to joining you on your fertility journey.