Frequently Asked Questions About North Houston IVF (part 1)
These days, infertility is slowly becoming less taboo to talk about and we are proud to contribute to the conversation. This is why we decided to gather some of the most common questions we get when it comes to discussing North Houston IVF fertility treatment in The Woodlands and Kingwood. With this FAQ, we hope to shed some light on your concerns prior to visiting us.
When Should I Consider IVF Fertility Treatment?
Getting pregnant can take longer than others for some, but it does not necessarily mean one of the partners is infertile. If you are feeling concerned because you think it's taking too long, our fertility specialists recommend you speak to your doctor about it before anything else. When you speak with your doctor, he or she will first ask about your medical and sexual history, as well as that of your partner's. Next, tests such as semen analysis, fallopian tube evaluation, and ovarian reserve tests will be administered. Gathering this information helps your doctor determine if infertility is indeed the case and what exactly is causing it. Afterward, your doctor will walk you through all of your options and let you know if IVF treatment is recommended.
How Likely Is It That My IVF Baby Will Have Birth Defects?
Unfortunately, some believe that undergoing IVF increases your baby’s chances of being born with birth defects, but research suggests there are other factors besides IVF that may cause this. There is no significant difference between non-IVF and IVF babies having chances of being born with a defect.
If you are still worried though, rest assured that after we allow your fertilized eggs to grow to the blastocyst (day 5 embryo) stage, we complete Preimplantation Genetic Testing to determine which embryos are more likely to become healthy babies at birth.
Does IVF Take All Of My Eggs?
This is a common hesitation, but it is not true at all. When a woman ovulates, the ovary picks one egg out of hundreds and through a natural process known as atresia, the rest of the eggs that were not selected die, and this is a completely normal process.
In order to successfully undergo IVF, you must take fertility medication, which stimulates the ovaries to produce more eggs. This cancels out the natural selection of your ovaries and also prevents the death of your eggs. Although “death of your eggs” sounds bad, this is normal and it is important to remember that women have anywhere between 300,000 and 400,000 eggs once they hit puberty.
Get an Opinion From One of Our Fertility Specialists in North Houston
If, after your doctor has conducted tests, IVF is recommended to you, then please request an appointment with our specialists in The Woodlands and Kingwood so we can further discuss any concerns and questions you may have. Throughout your fertility journey, a strong support system will be crucial, so we look forward to developing a close relationship with you.